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Thameside have achieved the Rainbow Flag Award!!

Through this initiative, focusing on positive LGBT+ inclusion (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans,  plus other related identities), we are demonstrating a commitment to improve the lives of all young people that we work with, including those that are LGBT+ and those from LGBT+ families.

Through a year-long process of self-assessment and ongoing monitoring and feedback, we have access to a variety of resources and interventions, helping them meet set standards in each of the following areas:

We have achieved 

This means that: 

• At least two staff have attended the one-day course “LGBT+ Inclusion in Primary Schools”. 
• Effective LGBT+ inclusion training has been cascaded to the wider staff team.
• Staff can confidently and consistently recognise and appropriately challenge LGBTphobia.
• Staff are confidently using appropriate and positive terminology for LGBT+ people and identities.

We have achieved 

This means that:

  • Governors and parents understand the need to combat LGBTphobia through positive education and representation, and know where to go for information, and if needed, support.

Please watch our Rainbow Flag workshop to find out more

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We have achieved 

This means that:

  • Children and young people wishing to explore/ express their gender and/or sexuality feel supported to do so.
  • Skilled staff from within the organisation support them, including through signposting and referrals to appropriate local youth work services.

We have achieved 

This means that:

  • Through school council and anti-bullying ambassadors students’ ideas and suggestions are actively informing the direction of other Rainbow Flag Award sections.
  • Student-led activities that positively celebrate LGBT+ lives and people are encouraged and supported by the school.
  • Students are supported to undertake initiatives that mark significant dates on the LGBT+ calendar, such as LGBT+ History Month, Pride, Trans Day of Visibility, and IDAHOBIT (International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia).

We have achieved  

This means that: 

  • Inclusive policies are written and published that reflect a commitment to robustly combat LGBTphobia and create an LGBT+ positive learning environment, in line with legal, statutory and moral obligations.
  • •LGBT+ inclusive policies have been comprehensively and effectively shared with the staff team, understood and implemented.

We have achieved  

This means that:

  • Through positive education across many curriculum areas, lesbian, gay and bisexual people are made visible, and students understand and can confidently use appropriate language pertaining to attraction (lesbian, gay, bisexual, straight). 
  • Through positive education across many curriculum areas, trans people are made visible, and students understand and can confidently use language pertaining to gender identity (trans, nonbinary, cis).
  • Through comprehensive PSHE and Relationship Education programmes, students are aware of LGBT+ identities, people, and families.
  • Through comprehensive PSHE and Relationship Education programmes, students can recognise, report, and challenge LGBTphobia.
  • Through comprehensive PSHE and Relationship Education programmes, students know where to access further information and support for themselves, should they need it.