Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)
Thank you very much for those that attended the Relationships Education (RSE) parents’ workshop on 11th June 2019 and to those who recently completed our parent questionnaire. We were really impressed and pleased to hear such supportive comments about the updated RSE guidelines and so many parents wanting the best information to be shared with their child at the right time.
We believe that a crucial part of RSE is to work with parents/carers so that ultimately the children receive the best education that is age appropriate and we hope you find this page useful.
What and When?
Please click on the links below to find out what is covered in RSE lessons for each year group.
Each lesson is carefully planned, and delivered, to take into consideration the children within the class. Story books, animations, pictures, objects and power points are shown so that lessons are child friendly and interactive.
Please talk to your class teacher or Mrs Burton if you would like further information or queries answered.
The main focus in the RSE curriculum is relationships where children will look at:
- different types of relationships, including friendships, family relationships, dealing with strangers;
- how to recognise, understand and build healthy relationships, including self-respect and respect for others, commitment, tolerance, boundaries and consent, and how to manage conflict, and also how to recognise unhealthy relationships
- how relationships may affect health and wellbeing, including mental health
- healthy relationships and safety online
In terms of the sex education this covers:
- naming body part in Year 1
- naming parts of the body Year 2
- What a baby needs to grow both in the womb and after it has been born; changes that take place during puberty (e.g. growing facial/pubic hair, girls hips widening, boys shoulders broadening) Year 3
- Changes that take place during puberty (including periods), feeling associated with changes, the ingredients that are needed to make a baby (sperm and egg) Year 4
- Changes that take place during puberty and feelings associated with these changes, conception to birth (including how a baby is made) Year 5
- How girls' and boys' bodies change during puberty and feelings associated with these changes, conception to birth Year 6
Every parent has the right to with draw their child from Sex Education but NOT the science curriculum. If you wish to withdraw your child please inform the school in writing and arrange a meeting with your child;s phase leader or deputy headteacher to discuss the matter.
Useful SRE Websites:
Sex education at home - click here
What you could say for different age groups - click here
Talk to your children about sex and relationships: support for parents - click here
National Curriculum 2014 - click here
SRE in the 21st Century - click here
PSHE Association - click here