A warm welcome to Thameside Primary School, which is situated in the heart of Caversham. We are an extension of the local community and we celebrate the diversity of it with more than 30 languages spoken here...
Year 3 started the week with an exciting visit from a ‘rat catcher’. Inspired by his visit as well as our book, The Pied Piper of Hamelin, the children have written some fantastic job adverts for a Rat Catcher! #year3tps #excitingwritingtps #nolimits @theliteracytreehttps://t.co/iWBK0VtQS6
In Science today, Falcons went for a hunt around school for objects that are alive, have been alive, and have never been alive. #falconstps https://t.co/dAHE5XNVbX